Let me give you a 'real life' example - my story
When I experienced my anxiety, stress, panic attacks and phobias, I was living a life that I now understand to be that of someone heading down a very short road to the end of their life. Stress, eating problems, digestive disorders, anxiety, lack of exercise and so on... it was a recipe for disaster.
So what exactly can you do to reverse this, as I didThe human body works very much like a car... in fact any vehicle. You have the heart - the engine; the air filters - the lungs; the brain - the in-car computer system; the limbs - the wing mirrors; the lights etc.; the stomach - the fuel tank; the colon - the exhaust system; circulation - engine oil and water, etc.
There are a number of simple rules that apply to keeping your car running correctly. Feed it - buy fuel, give it fluids - add oil and water, make sure the emissions are correct in order to ascertain whether the fuel/oil mix is correct, keep the engine cool, don't over rev it, never try to start it in sub zero temperatures etc. THE SAME rules apply to the body. If you have a mini-van, you aren't ever going to compete in the Mexican Grand Prix... common sense must prevail.
If you try to get a road car to act like a Formula 1 car, it'll explode... if you try to run on all cylinders, take on the wrong fuel, race about in life, overload your computer-like mind... what do you expect to happen? We aren't built for that kind of abuse.
There has to come a time when you sit down and re-think your existence. If you don't, your existence will be miserable, marred by illness and fatigue and completely unfulfilling.
Is it becoming obvious to you now what the solution is?
As I said at the start of this letter, all you do is take each element individually and untangle the mess.
I am certain that many of you will be saying "But, But, But..." and coming up with every excuse you can find as to WHY this couldn't possibly work for you - how this is only designed for 'lonely, bored, uncomplicated people, with nothing better to do with their lives.' Trust me, those people don't need this program... YOU DO!
You are the coiled spring, just waiting to be set free. You are the person suffering in this way and YOU are the most important thing in your world, because without you in this world, no one will benefit from you being you. Your partner, kids, your extended family - if you aren't being the best you can be, the fittest you can be, the most enlightened and successful person you can be, in any sense, you will be compromising, not only your own life, but your families' lives too!
You might wish to blame other people for your condition. You might blame life circumstances but the truth is that these are simply the triggers or catalysts - the real cause is the way that you CHOOSE to handle it and that's a personal, conscious choice!
So... if you had the ability to change the way you handle your stress, the way you react to it and the way you used it to your advantage, you'd be cured, right?
That is exactly what the '30 Day Stress Away' Prgram does, quickly and permanently, with immediate results!